Manuka takoto, kāwea ake
To take up the challenge
What is WERO?
WERO: Working to End Racial Oppression is a research programme that takes up the challenge of confronting institutional and interpersonal racism in Aotearoa.
Racism represents one of the most significant challenges facing Aotearoa. The effects of racism are extensive, manifesting in everyday forms of discrimination for Māori, Pacific peoples and minoritised ethnic communities. Entrenched in systems and structures that create disadvantage for minorities, and advantage for privileged ethnic majorities, racism is evident in inequitable outcomes across almost every indicator of wellbeing, including those within health, education, housing, employment and justice.
Research Themes
WERO research is organised around four themes that address key societal domains where racism is apparent and meaningful responses can be developed:
Across these themes, more than 30 researchers are undertaking a range of research projects, alongside partners in community, government and the private sector, combining expertise from Māori studies, Pacific studies, anthropology, economics, human geography, psychology and sociology.
WERO International Conference 2025
The WERO Research Team is now accepting abstract submission to present at our conference. We invite submissions to deliver an individual presentation or panel session that contributes to an anti-racist, decolonising agenda both politically and intellectually.
Date: 9th to 12th February 2025
Location: The Pā, University of Waikato, Hamilton, Aotearoa New Zealand
Conference website:

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Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao
Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori Office
The University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105
Hamilton 3240