Research briefs
Roy, R., Tu’inukuafe, E., & Collins, F.L. (2024). Beyond paternalism and racism in Pacific labour migration (Publication: 1). WERO, the University of Waikato, Hamilton New Zealand.
Waitoki, W., Tan, K., & Hamley, L. (2024). Honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi through addressing racism in universities (Publication 2). WERO, the University of Waikato, Hamilton New Zealand.
Terruhn, J. & Collins, F.L. (2024). “Landlords wouldn’t give my application a second look.” Discrimination exacerbates inequalities in access to private rental housing (Publication 3). WERO, the University of Waikato, Hamilton New Zealand.
Southey, K. & Terruhn, J. (2025). Policy solutions to social housing stigmatisation in Aotearoa (Publication 4). WERO, the University of Waikato, Hamilton New Zealand.
Non-Peer Reviewed Published Articles
Collins, F.L. and Nandedkar, G. (2020). New Zealanders in Australia: migration, life and aspirations. National Institute of Demographic and Economic Analysis Working Paper No. 8.
Collins, F.L. and Pawar, S. (2021). Temporary Migration, Employment and Income Inequality. National Institute of Demographic and Economic Analysis.
Kukutai, T., Prickett, K., Atatoa-Carr, P., & Rata, A. (2020). Poipoia te kākano kia puawai. Family structure, family change and the wellbeing of tamariki Māori. Commissioned report for the Ministry of Social Development.
Lee, S., Collins, F.L. and Simon-Kumar, R. (2021). Healthy Diversity? Report on research into workplace diversity in a New Zealand District Health Board. University of Waikato and University of Auckland.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Tan, K., & Tan, V. (2025). “Pushing an irritational button”: Asian psychologists making sense of racialization in psychology training in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Asian American Journal of Psychology. Download here.
Cormack, D., Gooder, C., Jones, R., Lacey, C., Stanley, J., Paine, S-J., Curtis, E., & Harris, R. (2024). Māori medical student and physician exposure to racism, discrimination, harassment, and bullying. JAMA Network Open, 7(7), e2419373. Download here.
Islam, A. Z., Collins, F. L., & Alimi, O. B. (2024). Temporary migration and wage inequality: The effects of skills, nationality and migration status in Aotearoa New Zealand. Population, Space and Place, 30(8), e2811. Download here.
Phillips, J. B., Ingram, K. M., & Campion, K. (2024). Gendered extremism in the Pacific on 4chan: A mixed-methods exploration of Australian and New Zealanders’ concepts of Women, gender, and sexual violence on /Pol/. Terrorism and Political Violence, 1–22. Download here.
Tan, K., Hamley, L., Treharne, G.J., Fraser, G., & Scarf, D. (2024). The integration of queer-related curriculum in psychology training in Aotearoa/New Zealand: A survey with programme directors. Psychology & Sexuality. Download here.
Tan, K., Collins, F., Roche, M., & Waitoki, W. (2024). Racism and employment: A narrative review of Aotearoa New Zealand and international qualitative studies. New Zealand Sociology, 39(1), 1-21. Download here.
Hamley, L., Tan, K., Waitoki, W., & Tiakiwai, S. (2024). A Critical Tiriti Analysis of the Treaty Statement from a university in Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of Global Indigeneity, 7(1), 1–28. Download here.
Waitoki, W., Tan, K., Roy, R., Hamley, L., & Collins, F. (2024). A critical race analysis of Māori representation in university strategic documents in Aotearoa New Zealand. Race Ethnicity and Education, 27(4), 538-558. Download here.
McLachlan, A., Kingi, T., Waitoki, W., Wirihana, R.W., Hoeta, A., Kinred, S., Pehi, P., Harris, P., & Jones, H. (2024). The TOHU framework: Sensing and interpreting tohu to heal from trauma. Explore, 20(6), 103107.
Waitoki, W., Tan, K., Stolte, O., Chan, J., Hamley, L., & Scarf, D. (2023). Four decades after a ‘Whiter Shade of Pale’: An update on professional psychology programme responsiveness to Indigenous Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 52(3), 4-14. Download here.
Bagg W, Curtis E, Eggleton KT, … Scarf, D., …Crampton, P. (2023). Socio-demographic profile of medical students in Aotearoa, New Zealand (2016–2020): A nationwide cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 13, e073996
Tan, K., Stolte, O., Waitoki, W., & Scarf, D. (2023). How well does psychological research in Aotearoa New Zealand reflect diversity? Journal of the New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists, 33(1), 79–91. Download here.
Tan, K. (2023). Talking about race and positionality in Psychology: Asians as Tangata Tiriti. Journal of the New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists, 33(1), 107–111. Download here.
Simon-Kumar, R. (2023). Affirming fissures: Conceptualizing intersectional ‘ethnic’ feminism in Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of Women, Politics & Policy, 44(4), 454–469. Download here.
Phillips, J. B. (2022). Covering tangata whenua in Aotearoa: A big data exploration of print media and Māori. Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, 18(3), 195–212. Download here.
Black, R., Rae, N., Tan, K., Waitoki, W., & Waipuka-Bain, L. (2023). The “standard story” of anti-Māori talk in Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill submissions. New Zealand Medical Journal, 136(1579), 62-69. Download here.
Waitoki, W., Tan, K., Hamley, L., Scarf, D, Stolte, O., & Chan, J. (2023). How far are we with Indigenising psychology training curriculum in Aotearoa New Zealand? New Zealand Medical Journal, 136(1577), 91-95. Download here.
Islam, A.Z., Alimi, O.B., & Collins, F.L. (2023). International migration and income inequality in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2013–2018. New Zealand Population Review, 49, 157-198. Download here.
Collins, F. L., & Stringer, C. (2023). The trauma of exploitation: Emotional geographies of temporary migration and workplace unfreedom. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 55(2), 303-319.
Rapana, W., Winter, T., Fox, R. Riordan, BC., Kulkarni, R., Waitoki, W., & Scarf, D. (2022). Indigenous people in Aotearoa New Zealand are overrepresented in cannabis convictions. Harm Reduction Journal, 19(1), Article number: 28
Waitoki, W. (2022). In defence of mātauranga Māori: A response to the ‘seven academics’. New Zealand Medical Journal, 135(1552), 139-142.
Tan, K., Yee, A., & Veale, J.F. (2022). “Being trans intersects with my cultural identity”: Social determinants of mental health among Asian transgender people. Transgender Health, 7(4), 329-339.
Terruhn, J., Ye, J. (2022) Encountering neighbors: Coexisting with difference in Auckland’s Avondale. Urban Geography, 43(4), 613-631.
Case, E., Fu, M., Mio, J., & Rata, A. (2021). Ko wai tēnei e tū ake nei? Positioning ourselves in relation across racial difference. Counterfutures, 12, 56-77.
Collins, F.L. (2021). Geographies of migration I: Platform migration. Progress in Human Geography, 45(4), 866-877.
Collins, F.L. (2021). ‘Give me my pathway!‘: multinational migration, transnational skills regimes and migrant subjectification. Global Networks, 21(1), 18-39.
Collins, F.L. (2021). Migration ethics in pandemic times. Dialogues in Human Geography, 11(1), 78-82.
Collins, F.L. (2021) Temporary migration and regional development in the midst of the Covid-19 global pandemic: Invercargill and Queenstown. New Zealand Geographer, 77(3), 191-205.
Higgins, K.W., Terruhn, J. (2021) Kinship, whiteness and the politics of belonging among British migrants and Pākehā in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(15), 3564-3582.
Lee, S., Collins, F. L., & Simon-Kumar, R. (2020). Blurred in translation: The influence of subjectivities and positionalities on the translation of health equity and inclusion policy initiatives in Aotearoa New Zealand. Social Science & Medicine, 288, 113248.
Lee, S., Collins, F. L., & Simon-Kumar, R. (2020). Healthy diversity? The politics of managing emotions in an ethnically diverse hospital workforce. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 41(4), 389-404.
Ngata, T., Rata, A., & Santos, D. (2021). Race based hate crime in Aotearoa 2021. MAI Journal, 10(2), 207-215.
Sidhu, R., Collins, F., Ho, K. C., & Yeoh, B. (2021). International student mobilities in a contagion:(Im)mobilising higher education?. Geographical Research, 59(3), 313-323.
Terruhn, J., Spoonley, P. (2020) Multilingual realities/monolingual ideologies: Connecting the dots between school language practices and international student wellbeing. Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration, 4(2), 183-201.
Books, Chapters and Reports
Aquino, P., Tan, K., Dam, L. (2025). Kasaysayan at mga salaysay: A bibliography of research with Asian communities in Aotearoa (2000-2024), WERO and University of Waikato. Download here.
Waitoki, W., Tan, K., Hamley, L., Stolte, O., Chan, J., & Scarf, D. (2024). Systemic Racism and Oppression in Psychology: Voices from Psychologists, Academic Staff, and Students. WERO and University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Download here.
Waitoki, W., Tan, K., Hamley, L., Chan, J., Jones, S., Townsend, T., Wairoa-Harrison, S., White, T.A. (2024). WERO: A pānui for tauira Māori in psychology. Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao, Faculty of Māori and
Indigenous Studies, University of Waikato, New Zealand. Download here.
Moodie, H., Kong, Q., Ruffman, T., Loffhagen, J., Scarf, D., Hunter, J.A. (2024). Discrimination against Asians: The role of belonging. In: Akande, A. (eds) Leadership and Politics. Springer Studies on Populism, Identity Politics and Social Justice. Springer, Cham.
Rata, A. (2022). Foreword. In V. O’Malley, Voices from the New Zealand Wars: He Reo nō ngā Pakanga o Aotearoa.: Bridget Williams Books.
Rata, A. (2020). Whakapapa, separation and trauma. In S. Barber & M. Davidson (Eds.), Through that which separates us (pp. 17-27). Te Reo Kē and The Physics Room.